O.k. here are the numbers for Boks claim to be the largest adoption agency in the US..
This is for LA Animal Services for FISCAL 2006-07,
and for Calendar 2006 for County Animal Care and Control.
Ed chose fiscal 2007 because those numbers are better for him. If we used 2006 for complete comparison, he’d do even worse.
.................................FY06-07 ....2006
Cats&Dogs ..............LAAS ..........LACACC
RTO .........................4,321 ..........6,182
Adoptions ..............15,113 ..........18,276
NewHope/Rescue ...5,840 ..........2,882
LAAS adopted 15,113
County adopted 18,276
Add rescue groups (Why? This is not something LAAS did, it was non-profit rescue groups, but Boks is taking credit for them.)
LAAS had 5,840 cats and dogs released to rescue groups
County had 2,882 released to rescue groups
LAAS Total 20,953 Adopted + Rescued
County Total 21,158 Adopted + Rescued
So Ed is dead wrong on two counts, adoptions for cats and dogs, and adoptions and rescued for cats and dogs. Beside, if you compare his calendar 2006 figures against County, he would fare even worse.
So what does Ed do? He throws in Rabbits and “Other Animals.” No other shelter really keeps those stats publicly available. We’d have to do a request for public documents to get the County’s rabbit and Other Animal figures. Mayeda certainly is not giving him those figures, and he knows no one else can produce data to prove him wrong. So he can freely say anything he wants in this area.
But on straight out adoptions of dogs and cats, he is a liar by 20%.
Even adoptions and rescues of dogs and cats he is off by 200, and if we compared his calendar 2006 against County 2006, he’d be worse off by almost 900.
The spreadsheet with data can be seen at:
Boks is the #1 liar, that's about it. I'm amazed that he gets away with these big whopper lies. He lied to the Mayor, the press, commissioners, council members... His entire career is built on just a mountain of lies. There is no substance.