A So True Comment on Boks Incredible Lies

Boks has a new post on his blog, claiming fewer animals are dying in his shelters than last year. He says animals but he only mentions the numbers for cats and dogs. He does not mention the 600 other animals that died in August, who are not dogs and cats. They are sentient beings just as deserving of life.

Then he said a whopper:

"Ed Boks has never claimed to be the biggest or the best, but he does like to boast about the employees, volunteers and rescue partners of LA Animal Services."

It was really difficult to pick my jaw off the ground after I read that he never claimed to be the biggest or best. He was caught last month saying LAAS was the biggest pet adoption agency in the country, and even got a big smile and pat on the butt from Villaraigosa until the demented Mayeda claimed she was the biggest.

So, a conversation I had:

How can anyone rebut a liar if no one cares? We have torn apart every assertion he has made during the last 6 months, and his whoppers just get bigger and bigger and more complex every month. No one believes anything Boks says, including Blackman and Bickhart; but for now are doing nothing. Unless Council hears it often enough, nothing will happen.

Reply: Boks could say he turned dog shit into gold and the Mayor would go "bravo!" and have a press conference. This is frustrating. I understand where the ALF get their motivation for direct action. You do your research to show that he's not doing a good job, send it to the right people and nothing happens. In fact, the worse Boks does, the more praise he gets.

By the way, I keep getting comments from Naysayer on almost a daily basis claiming she is not Irene Ponce. But hon, if you are not she, why are you protesting so much? I had let the whole subject drop. You haven't.


Anonymous said...

Boks' latest blog entry shows a marked deterioration in his mental state. I sense extreme desperation, the same desperation I sensed right before he was fired from New York. He knew everyone was on to his ruse while he desperately tried to spin it. He convinced himself that he failed in New York because the Mayor's Alliance, Mayor, Commission refused to support him. Remember this quote from New York Magazine?

“In December 2002, City Hall and the Mayor’s Alliance signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding. The goal is to create a no-kill city by the year 2008.”)

So what happened? Animal workers unanimously point to former Animal Care and Control director Ed Boks, who served from 2003 to ’05. One alliance member snipes, “Boks’s programs had catchy names, but they had no substance and weren’t sustainable.” Boks is remembered for his attempt to address the overwhelming number of pit bulls (over 6,000 per year) coming into ACC by renaming the breed “New Yorkies”—much to the ire of Yorkshire-terrier owners. “It’s unfortunate that in the animal-welfare arena, it’s so easy to throw stones rather than take responsibility,” says Boks. “The problem isn’t that the programs failed but that the city failed the programs.” The city declined to renew Boks’s 2006 contract."

Notice, Boks says it's easy to throw stones rather than take responsibility. Then he throws stones at the City instead of taking responsibility. Boks failed in New York because HE failed. He does not know how to make a City nokill. He has never made a City nokill ever. The only thing he knows how to do is write positive misleading articles, spin numbers and refuse to take in animals.

Boks refused to take in 40% of kittens then calls it an "anomaly" which he blames on bad weather. We had better than average weather and there were actually more kittens born. All of the other local shelters had increased kitten intake. He states he didn't refuse any animal when his own press release states he did.

Boks' lies and stories are becoming sad. You see a feverished old man tapping frantically away at his computer with a tall glass of Scotch at his side. You see him gritting his teeth while muttering "lies, lies, all of it!" every time he reads a true accounting of his actions. So sad.

Anonymous said...

Boks is now talking about himself in the third person? Someone bring in the men with the white jackets.

Why does Boks only mention cats and dogs? While cat and dog adoptions are up, rabbits and other animals are down. Most of the animals dying now are "other" animals. Why doesn't he care about them? Because people generally only look at the cat/dog euthanasia numbers. Numbers are all Boks cares about. He doesn't care about the animals. To him animals are just a problem, something to be euthanized or refused. Animals are just a thorn in his side.

Anonymous said...

Just a personal observation. It appears someone other than Boks did much of the writing for Rumor#11 but by allowing it to be published on the LAAS website and the LA Animal Services blog site (From the Desk of Ed Boks) indicates he has reviewed the contents and given it his endorsement. He may as well have written it himself.

If we're keeping score, points are not in Ed Boks' favor on this one.

Brad Jensen
Cypress, CA

Anonymous said...

It's funny how Boks keeps saying it's a small group of people that want him gone, but in reality, the majority of the humane community has become wise to his antics and have had enough. It would be the majority of the city also if they knew what was really going on. If you just believe what Boks and the mayor say then everything's hunky-dorey! That's just what everyone wants to hear so they don't have to think about the death of innocents that is the reality.

Anonymous said...

Boks and Barth, and the "Smiling Helen" they have appointed as "acting Director of Shelter Operations are out for their own gain! Trust me.. I am not political, have no agenda(but for the animals)The Kennel staff have run out of discinfectant, gloves, cleaning supplies, etc.. NEVER has this happened in 20+ yrs. What the hell is going on.. The Mayor needs to to know about this, and Cal-OSHA needs to be notified.

Anonymous said...

Brad, you're right. The article talks about Ed Boks in the third person. Boks has the user name and password to get into that blog. He either gave it to someone or loaded that post himself. That means that he agrees with the post. The writer does use his phrase "dogs and cats" and exclamation marks which is his style. Maybe someone else just edited it for him.

Whoever wrote that blog post is either an idiot or a liar, or maybe even both. It seems clear to me that whoever wrote the original article was talking about ALL animals, not just cats and dogs. Boks only seems to care about cats/dogs. Parrots, hamsters, horses, endangered and protected wildlife, reptiles...matter too.

Anonymous said...

It's not a small majority that wants him out. The activists, rescuers, employees, union, city departments, councilmembers want him out. Everyone is complaining now, not just a few zany activists.

Anonymous said...

There's several articles and writings by others that have crossed Ed Boks' desk and later posted on his blog site. The Department's response to this "spurious" article circulating the internet can also be found in the Fact vs Rumor section of the LAAS website as a pdf file named Rumor11.

Brad Jensen
Cypress, CA