Mason Preliminary Hearing November 6

In a nutshell, this is what the Mason bust is all about in a comment left by a reader:

"They want to charge him with a felony to make the ACTF numbers look good, plain and simple. Target a poor hoarder who can't afford an attorney; an easy target. They'll threaten to charge him for animal care, threaten him with jail time and he'll roll over and plead guilty. Slam dunk case. Going after the easy poor hoarders is a lot easier than going after the real abusers, dog fighters.

Ron's preliminary hearing is on November 6 at the San Fernando courthouse. I have no idea that there was one there, and wonder why it is not at the Chatsworth or Van Nuys courthouses.

Get ready to come out to support Ron. Hopefully we will have some banners of Muffin being strangled or even T-shirts.


  1. Sounds like the real abusers are the ones who hang cats mid-air by the neck and kill a bunch of moms and kittens for having runny noses...

  2. We would love to hear Ron Mason's response to the truth or lack of in Boks' response (sent to the LAAS email ist) to this situation.
