Restore the $100,000 for Food!

Usually I just report, but I think the $100,000 cut in food is unacceptable, especially as it is the only expense item cut. I think we need to act here and let our voice be heard.

Please send emails to the people below. The first set of addresses is a direct request to the powers to be that you want the $100,000 food budget restored.

The second set of emails is to Council and the newspapers informing them that Boks/Mayor cut the food budget by 20% and that you find this unacceptable. Do they want even more animals to die in the shelter?

EMAIL THESE PEOPLE AND TELL THEM TO RESTORE THE $100,000 CUT IN FOOD FOR SHELTER ANIMALS FOR FISCAL 2008-2009. Copy and paste the addresses below to your email address line.

"Antonio Villaraigosa" ,"Ed Boks-Private" ,"Jim Bickhart" ,"Jim Blackman" ,"Robin Kramer" ,"Rocky delgadilla" ,"Ross Pool"

THEN EMAIL THESE PEOPLE BELOW AND TELL THEM THAT BOKS CUT THE FOOD BUDGET FOR SHELTER ANIMALS BY 20%, OR $100,000. THIS IS THE ONLY EXPENSE ITEM CUT. Copy and pastes this to a second email, saying how much you object to the cut.

"Carla Hall" ,"Council Member Zine" ,,,,"Dennis Zine" ,"Ed Reyes" ,"Editor Citybeat" ,,"Eric Garcetti" ,"hahn council" ,"Herb Wesson" ,"Jack Weiss" ,"Jose Huizar" ,"Kathy Riordan" ,"Labonge" ,"Lori Golden" ,"Marcia Mayeda" ,"Richard Alarcon" ,"Rick Orlov" ,"Robert NBC Universal KNBC Kovacik" ,"Stephanie Boyles" ,"Tariq Khero" ,"Terri Macellaro"


Boks' new budget cuts the food budget for the animals, from $529,000 to $429,000. This is a 20% cut.

Why on earth is he cutting the food budget? There is an almost $20 million budget and he cuts food by 20%?

On page 34 of the 2008-09 budget, you will notice that food is the only expense item cut, while the "operating supplies" budget was more than tripled, from $138,000 to $453,000!

It is amazing Boks and Council would cut the animal food budget when animal food costs have so dramatically increased during the past year and a half. How would you like your food budget cut 20%?Fewer pencils, more food!.

Please restore the animals' food!

Los Angeles 2008-2009 Budget; See pages 33 and on.

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