232,805 Animals Have Died in City Shelters in 8 Years

Death toll during past eight years: 232,805

197,988 Dogs and Cats
32,493 Other Animals
2,624 Rabbits

This includes euthanized and those who died in the shelter from sickness or injury.


  1. And how many soldiers have died in Iraq? At the risk of sounding more pro-HUMAN than the rest of you, I ask that serious question.

  2. That is horrible. Very sad. To be killing hundreds of thousands of animals as a means of "animal control" is totally unacceptable.

  3. That doesn't seem right. We are now over 1,000,000 animals in intake in last ten years. If on average 50% euth/died that'd be 500,000 dead animals. I know for sure that they started the new number system at least in the year 2000. We are at A1,020,699.

  4. How many soldiers died during the Napoleonic wars? What's your point, that people should not be concerned about the lives of animals because George Bush killed 4,000 in Irag? What a dummy. Failed Critical Thinking 101, hey?

  5. There is no lessor evil. Just because 50,000 humans died in a war doesn't mean that 500,000 animals dying in the shelter is meaningless. Judge each event by itself. This is not about comparisons. If you want to go protest wars, go do it. You don't have to be here. We want to protest animals dying unnecessarily in the shelters. I believe some of them can be saved

  6. Killing is killing. It is all tragic, and should not be part of the way we treat each other and the way we treat animals. Death is a side effect of war. Death in shelters doesn't need to happen.

  7. If you have to ask how many soldiers have died in Iraq then frankly, you're not sounding more pro-HUMAN.

    Almost 4,600 coalition soldiers have died in Iraq since 2003.

    Failed Critical Thinking 101 is absolutely correct. There can be no comparison made because of this strange little word that gets in the way.... "CHOICE".

    Brad Jensen

  8. Maybe the citizens of Los Angeles should take better care of their animals.
