Another Rescuer Heard From

Always checking my own credibility, because sometimes I get carried away in one direction or another without any evidence but my gut feeling, I talk with rescuers and a few friends who are LAAS employees about what is heppening.

One of my contacts, a very well-known kitten rescuer who I have known for many years, told me that the difference between last year and now is night and day. She said a year ago when rescuers walked into the shelters (she covers all but the Valley shelters) they were treated like idiots, almost beneath contempt.

She said now she gets nothing but perfect and friendly cooperation and rescues are so much easier. The whole process is both easier but faster, which is time critical for unweaned kittens.

This makes me very perplexed and suspecious, because I hear from some segments of the rescue community how bad Ed is. The strange thing is, I can't get anyone to tell me how he is bad or what evidence they have.

The criticisms I hear regard allegations about his past, and specific incidents of claimed rescues gone wrong, such as with Boo Boo and the drowned puppies, do not touch him as to competence or credibility even if they do touch specific employees and specific shelters.

I don't even know all sides of those stories.

I do not understand why Ed is held accountable for every act of every employee concerning every animal. Like I said, I hear mostly positive feedback 6-1, and of those six, two are extremely satisfied with the change.

I would not be doing this if I did not believe in Ed and the capability of LAAS to become the department it could be or should be.

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