Still Waiting

Last Thursday, Animal Pals posted that Muzika = Reed = Felon.

Then she posted:

While the foregoing is very interesting, what is even more interesting is the voluminous criminal records that pull up for Edward Muzika aka Edward Reed.

Public records show Edward Muzika has an aka of Edward Reed.While the foregoing is very interesting, what is even more interesting is the voluminous criminal records that pull up for Edward Muzika aka Edward Reed. According to public records, Mary Cummins' poor pal looks like he could be a felon....Wouldn't be too shocking. Birds of feather flock together.EDWARD MUZIKA'S AKA EDWARD REED'S CRIMINAL RECORDS GOING UP SOON...

They promised to post the felonies I was supposed to have committed.

That was last Thursday.

I am still waiting, waiting, waiting...

Of course, if they post nothing, it shows they had nothing, or blundered in their research, or are just making it up, and have absolutely no credibility as fact finders or in in-depth reporting--and, are also defaming.

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