How to Make LAAS No-Kill; Don't Take Any In

In September "Other Animals" went from 1,100 to 167. I expected to see many more dead, probably all of the turtles as they are now all missing. I see way fewer adopted, fewer to New Hope, 100 more died, 50 fewer came in.

Those other animals are now missing; 1,000 animals are just gone. They are not in the shelter as there are only 200 Other Animals in the shelter, down from 1,100. Boks is now cooking the books directly. I see no new classifications.

Again, the drop in intake and euthanasia for all animals is due to refusing kittens. They refused 600 kittens and euth of kittens is down same amount. Euth of puppies doubled. Twice as many others died on their own as previous year. If they did not refuse kittens, euth and intake would be up. He is still doing worse but the numbers look better due to refusing kittens. Nothing has changed. This is like the LAPD refusing to take police reports to try to make it look like crime was down. They actually did this and were reprimanded, yet the LAPD still does this. LA will become a no kill, no crime city by simply refusing to do their job. Makes you wonder how poorly all the other departments are doing. I bet they are doing the same trick.


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