As an example of S.T.A.R. not being used is the below email and subject puppy sent to me. The City provides X-rays but no treatment. This puppy needs hip/femor surgery. This email was sent out to rescues saying they had to take it or the dog would be killed.
Ed, where is the STAR money?
From: Ana Hernandez <mailto:Ana.Hernandez@lacity.org: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 11:13 am Subject:
Extremely sweet pup needs orthopedic surgery @NOC
Gina is a 3month old terrier super lovable needs orthopedic surgery came in stray weighs about 16.1lbs. 11/01 limping on left hindleg/ non- weight bearing, will send to afe for x-ray of hindleg & pelvis Warren hosp.
11/02 AFE FINDING'S; limping on the right hindleg, fractured head, left pelvis normal. Prognosis- good w. femoral head resection
PE: BARH; mm pink; EENT good; H/L clear; NSF abdominal palpation; LN WNL; integument good; intermittent weight bearing lameness right hind leg.
Ed, where is the STAR money?
From: Ana Hernandez <mailto:Ana.Hernandez@lacity.org: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 11:13 am Subject:
Extremely sweet pup needs orthopedic surgery @NOC
Gina is a 3month old terrier super lovable needs orthopedic surgery came in stray weighs about 16.1lbs. 11/01 limping on left hindleg/ non- weight bearing, will send to afe for x-ray of hindleg & pelvis Warren hosp.
11/02 AFE FINDING'S; limping on the right hindleg, fractured head, left pelvis normal. Prognosis- good w. femoral head resection
PE: BARH; mm pink; EENT good; H/L clear; NSF abdominal palpation; LN WNL; integument good; intermittent weight bearing lameness right hind leg.
How much will the surgery cost?
Anyone ever look at the STAR web page? There are pics of injured animals, not being treated. It says "if only you would donate to STAR, I could get my hip/leg fixed." It doesn't say "thanks to your donation, I got the operation I needed."
Is this STAR treatment?
Donations: I was told that when someone donates money to the Department, they instantly take 25% of it and claim it as an "administrative fee." The remaining amount goes into the Department fund. You can say your donation is for STAR or Big Fix but it all goes to the same place. They can do whatever they want with it, or they can do nothing. You can donate to STAR and they don't have to use the money to help injured animals.
What's missing here is any indication of whether any money was donated to STAR in the first place. Maybe the real bottom line is whether the animals are getting treated, STAR or no STAR.
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