Requests for Public Records to Pierce and LAAS Go Unanswered; Next Step?

Sent today to large email list:

On July 20, 2008, I sent a Request for Public Records both the Pierce College and the Ed Boks and City administration regarding allegations of animal neglect of farm animals on the Pierce campus and charges of obstruction of justice of a LAAS investigation regarding this complaint.

Allegedly involved were multiple faculty on the Pierce campus and multiple officers of LA's Animal Cruelty Task Force and other LAAS and police personnel, including Ms. Dancy, a LAAS employee and many-year student at Pierce, who allegedly gave a heads up to Pierce officials regarding an ACTF investigation.

Pierce has not even acknowledged the receipt of the request for public records sent to them, with copies sent to many faculty.

LAAS responded only after my warning that I was not dropping the subject. Their response was that they needed more time.

It is now three weeks since these requests and it appears there has been NO EFFORT to supply this information by either public institution.

Therefore, I will soon submit a complaint to the City and County Attorney's Offices and well as to the state Attorney General as I have before. I will also submit this with all evidence I have gathered to various members of the press who have expressed interest in this story, albeit dated.

Edward Muzika

This is not a joke.

Failure to respond will be taken as a further evidence of a coverup of a coverup.



Anonymous said...

Of course Pierce hasn't responded! They think their bulletproof and have no reason to believe otherwise. LAAS asked for more time so that they can destroy as much evidence as possible.

A word to the wise...don't EVER let LAAS or Pierce college know what you see on that campus. It only tells them what needs to be destroyed as soon as possible. Just take your video and photos and go straight to the media. At this point it's a given how corrupt they both are.

Kelley said...

I don't know about CA, but I have found complaints to the attorney general to be quite effective in getting these evil folk in TX to release records.