Boks is Taking on Winograd

Boks is taking on Winograd's 10 step program to No-Kill. Today's segment on his blog investigates Nathan's claim that TNR is necessary to come to no-kill, and Boks says we are doing that, but there are obstacles. God, it is almost as if I read Boks' mind this morning when I argued the reasons why TNR is so hard to implement in LA due to bureaucracy and environmental groups' opposition.

In any event, it appears the job to implement TNR and No-Kill will be up to Boks' successor.


Anonymous said...

And all this time I thought people cared about cats, guess I was wrong.

Anonymous said...

The opponents to TNR would rather see cats killed. They comprise of, mostly, the native wildlife people. Just like the bird people who want to keep leg hold traps in place to kill predators, the wildlife rehabbers are guilty of specism.

Anonymous said...

Boks is going to be blogging that he is doing everything possible but it's just not working and it's not his fault. He realizes that he's failing here and he's working out his excuses and whom he will blame. Yesterday he was blaming nokill for the increase in animals dying. Today he's blaming the environmental groups for opposing TNR.

Remember this quote? "“It’s unfortunate that in the animal-welfare arena, it’s so easy to throw stones rather than take responsibility,” says Boks. “The problem isn’t that the programs failed but that the city failed the programs.” He blamed New York for failing his programs while he throws stones at them. Gimme a break!

He said he could make LA "nokill" by 2008 (that's in two weeks, folks). There's no way he can make LA nokill in two weeks unless he refuses all incoming animals and gives the ones currently in the shelter some quick killing fatal disease. No doubt he's probably thought of that already.

Boks failed, now he's trying to blame everyone else. He needs to take responsibility. He should admit he has no idea how to make LA nokill. He knew about all the obstacles before he took the job. Snake oil salesman readying his exit strategy. He'll be attacking the Mayor, Commissioners, employees next. Wait and see. He did it in Arizona and New York. LA had better be ready for the pithy wrath of Boks.

Anonymous said...

Not all wildlife rehabbers are against TNR. Most rehabbers take in ill and injured feral cats besides wildlife. Some rehome the feral cats to indoor sanctuaries. Some tend to colonies.