From Lori Golden re Hooters for Neuters

I have received letters from all over the country sharing support for the Hooters for Neuters event. So far I have received eight. Rather than print all, I share the one sent by our own Lori Golden. Maybe we can stop Guss from killing hundreds of cats, dogs and rabbits after all.

Re: Hooters for Neuters

I applaud LA Animal Services GM Ed Boks for thinking outside the box, and for wanting his grossly underfunded department to be the recipient of the Hooters for Neuters fundraiser. Yes, the bikini-clad Hooter girl poster was tasteless, but the poster that replaced it with the dog in the tee-shirt was adorable! It wasn’t as if LAAS was putting on the event themselves!!

How hypocritical of Laura Chic and other council people for saying Hooters’ money is not needed! At a time when pet overpopulation is reaching new highs, and when it is difficult enough to convince men to spay and neuter their animals, this event was a great idea. I’m sure the City is more than happy to receive the taxes Hooters pays into the City coffers each year.

The funds generated by this event could have gone a long way to assist low income people in getting their animals spayed and neutered. This is the ONLY way to turn off the faucet of pet overpopulation, which is the primary cause for the killing of so many animals in our City Shelters!

These critics need to get a sense of humor!

Lori Golden

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