Live Save Rate Down Since Boks Started

Live save is the terrm describing what percentage of animals that go into the shelter alive, leave alive.

They can go out dead to, from euthanasia, disease and fighting/injury.

If you cut euthanasia but the died in shelter rate increases, you could have a lower live save rate than the year before.

Now what is the current live release rates for 2005, 2006 and currently?

The following is from Ann Angelino.

The results are really horrible. Things have gotten worse since Boks got here!

cats/dogs 54%
rabbits 51%
others 56%
total 54.40%

cats/dogs 53%
rabbits 80%
others 63%
total 55.12%

Currently, in the last 12 months it is 53.92% but it was 55.12% before he got here. He's made things worse. Big deal fewer are euth'd and more are dying.

Broken down last 12 months vs previous 12 months by category.

last 12 months
cats/dogs 55.11%
rabbits 51%
others 47%

previous 12 months
cats/dogs 54.4%
rabbits 69%
others 64%

It's rabbits and others that are paying the heavier price. those are also the ones dying in the shelter.

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