During Boks "March No-Kill" month, he saved fewer cats than any of the previous years under Stuckey or Greenwalt.
Cats saved under Stuckey, March 2005.......................................552
Cats saved under Greenwalt, March 2003..................................561
Cats saved under Boks, March 2007..............................426
Boks euthanized "Fewer cats than ever," but he also "saved fewer cats than ever," because he is "warehousing more cats than ever." They are coming in alive, but fewer are leaving, either euthanized or alive.
Because of overcrowding and less vet time per animal, the numbers of cats dying this year and last is double that under Greenwalt.
We also need to understand he only holds 1/3 the number of cats than he does dogs, which means he holds them a shorter period of time than dogs and kills them quicker. This becomes dramatically more evident during kitten season where he killed about 6,000 last year. Very few cages for a lot of cats. Unfair discrimination!!
I guess in March too many kittens were fractious, dangerous, untreatable or sick/injured--they deserved to die, legally, Hayden-wise.
I'm still reeling over his "March 2007 - A nokill month!" comment. He killed 675 animals! Another 247 died in their cages! How is that "nokill?" Does he think that people will just read his spin press releases and just believe him? He may have pulled that in New York and Arizona but here in LA we know when someone is trying to pull the wool over our eyes. Those statistics clearly show that he is just holding the animals. Those poor cats in their small 24" square cages stacked one on top of the other for all that time when they will just be euthanized later.
Boks did the same thing in New York. When he got there he just held onto the animals as long as he could so his first report looked good. Then he killed those animals and didn't release a report. Then he did another quarter where he just held onto them as long as he could, and he released another positive report. He did that over and over. He used those poor animals just to try to make himself look good. Shame on you, Ed Boks. Someone really needs to lock him up in one of those kennels with a few pitbulls for a few days so he can see what it's like. It's no Holiday Inn.
You see that 747 outcome cats for March? The year before it was 1063. That means he just held 316 cats. If he did not hold them, his euth would have been 589, higher than any March in the last five years. That's how bad cats are doing under Boks. You should see rabbits and others. They're doing even worse. That's why Boks only talks about dogs. That's the only thing he's improved.
There are methods for adopting out cats and if there is an increase in cats and kittens, then it only makes sense that the methods should be increased and utilized. I don't understand the lack of motivation and unwillingness to do this! Only that it can be traced back to the helm. Cats need to be in a healthy and aesthetic place where they will be seen and can be held without being frightened. Cats should not be so hard to place in homes since not everyone can or wants to have a dog. With all the apartment complexes, townhouses and condos in the city this should be a given. Cats should be advertised in areas saturated with these complexes that allow cats. Newcomers to town may feel comfortable committing to having a cat, when they may not yet be set up to have a dog. Young people and students are another good target market for cats. When the supply increases the efforts have to increase. A smart mode to be in would be to consistently maintain the level of adoption efforts so when the kitten season arrives there may not be such an overload. "Waiting lists" should be used for potential adopters that haven't committed as yet. If the kitties were groomed, made healthy and socialized homes could be found with the proper motivation. Killing them is just too easy for some and it is wrong. Why do we have to come up with so many ideas ourselves when we have a no-kill leader as GM? Then, when we do contribute we are "the bad guys" that need a dose of retribution to silence us. Of course we object. We care about the animals in the shelters.
Kitten season can be projected. Data is available concerning the locations the litters of kittens are coming from. Analyze it to identify any trends.
Attract and deploy LAAS volunteers to neighborhoods that need the most help with spay/neuter. In a true no-kill environment Animal Control Officers could do this themselves, because they would not be viewed poorly or with fear. Establish a point of contact, a "Humane Block Captain," in each neighborhood when possible. Advertise that free spay/neuter is available via a mobile unit. Point out that this will save the residents a trip to the pound to drop off kittens that would otherwise be killed and will prevent an overload of kittens and cats in their neighborhood. Establish a waiting list as feasible. Attain sponsors for the cost of spay/neuter in advance.
No one is saying it is easy. But, it will never be accomplished without the initiative. I'm sure others have good ideas also.
You have discovered Boks' MO I see. He always artificially manipulates the animals to make it appear that he was successful as soon as he gets to a new shelter. Then people assume that his "success" will continue.
After six months the animals begin to pile up in the warehouses and he has to start euthanizing them. Then they pile up in the freezers. What to do? Either he doesn't release a report about the failure, or he releases a report saying things were great!, or he releases a report glossing over things then buries that in an avalanche of positive yet unrelated news items. That is what he's doing right now.
Boks just sent out a bunch of "what's new" emails to try to bury his horrible March numbers. Is anyone buying this? Look at the charts, go look at the shelters, talk to the employees.Things are not going "great." Boks is just creating illusions like a house of cards that will ultimately fall.
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