Re Eric Jones Sweetheart Deal by Boks

This is a comment received from my last post, expressing my sentiments exactly:

Any veterinarian in the world will tell you Dr. Eric Jones is making unheard of money (thanks to the taxpayers!). If we let it be known to vets that the city was giving out ridiculous money for this position, there would have been a lot of takers, that's for sure. This money should be going to hiring more vets.

This is just stupid management. It feels like George W. Bush is running Animal Services with all the lying, cronyism and just poor judgment. How did we get here?

You know how we got here. Villaraigosa hired him and staff (Blackman and Bickhart) turned a blind eye to his shenanigans. Why isn't the Commission reigning him in?


Anonymous said...

The commission is trying to rein him in but they have no real power. They could say "Ed, do this, don't do th at," then he just doesn't follow orders. They can't force him to do what they want. At best they could do a "no confidence" vote. This still won't help. They can't force him to do his job. They can't fire him. They can't reprimand him. They can't put him on leave, suspend or write him up. The commission has as much power over Boks as you and me, i.e. none.

Three commissioners realize that Boks is messing up, Khero, Riordan and Atake. The other two probably realize it but they won't rock any boat. Brown wants future City contracts and Quincy is just an appointment. Bickhart and Blackman both realize that Boks is messing up but Blackman will not tell the Mayor this because it was Blackman's job to check out his references. I don't think anyone called up New York or Arizona upper management and asked them if Boks did a good job or not, was he a good employee, a good director. They just read all those Best Friends and Maddie's Fund articles which were full of lies.

Anonymous said...

The commission is supposed to have control of the department, I thought.

Anonymous said...

The above comment is absolutely correct about the commission having no authority over Boks. Only the Mayor's office has any power over a General Manager and Antonio's thoughts are obviously occuplied elsewhere and Bickhart and Blackman are covering their own stupidity by not bringing it to the mayor's attention.

Anonymous said...

The Commission legally has control over the GM but there is no way they can enforce their control. They tell Boks to do or not do something. He doesn't comply. There is nothing they can do to force him to comply.